It’s here at last!  The 2018-19 Stampin’ Up! Idea Book and Catalogue goes live today, and boy is it crammed full of gorgeousness!  This year is Stampin’ Up!’s 30th anniversary, and they’re celebrating with 241 pages filled with a bumper selection of stunning crafting products.  There are 14 suites of products, and 34 bundles giving you 10% off when you buy selected items together.

On top of that, Stampin’ Up! have had a colour revamp with this catalogue.  You’ll remember from the retiring lists that some of the older less-popular colours have gone, and in their place we have fresh new shades just bursting with vibrancy.  There are 10 brand new colours, and 6 returning colours.  (Returning colours are shades previously seen in the In Colour selections, which usually only run for 2 years.)

Click the catalogue cover on the right hand side of the screen to view the catalogue online.  If you’d like a free copy posted to you, just click the “About me” link at the top of the page and fill out the online form.  The first 20 will also receive a new catalogue survival kit with a selection of exclusive goodies, including my colour swatch book.