Well, I’m back from the most fabulous weekend! Solihull may not be the most glamorous of locations, but when you’re there with 500 other women all excited to see the new Stampin’ Up! goodies, it becomes magical! There’s so much I wish I could share with you, but certain things are still under wraps for now. Don’t worry, I’ll let you know when I can!
For now tho, I wanted to show you the gorgeous swaps I received! I’ll post the video of my own swap shortly, but these are the lovely creations I received from my fellow demonstrators. Aren’t they a talented bunch! I’ve divided them into 2 categories: cards and 3D items. There are loads of lovely projects here, and I know I’ll be CASEing these designs. In case you’ve not come across that term before, CASE means Copy And Share Everything. Stampin’ Up! demonstrators like myself are happy to share our designs with others, and copying is a compliment! This extends to you too, of course! I’d love to see your versions of designs I’ve posted.
Most demonstrators leave contact details on the back of their swap, and I’ll be sending emails today to the demos of my favourite swaps to let them know how much I love their creation. It’s nice to share a little happiness!
I hope these photos inspire you as they have inspired me. Happy crafting!

3d swaps Solihull Nov 2017

Card swaps Solihull Nov 2017